Where Do Squirrels Go at Night?
Squirrels are diurnal creatures, which means that they are most active during the day. However, like many animals, they also need to rest at night. So where do squirrels go when the sun goes down?
The answer to this question can vary depending on the species of squirrel, as well as the environment in which they live. In this article, we’ll explore some of the common places where squirrels go at night, and what they do when they get there.
Tree Nests
One of the most common places where squirrels go at night is their tree nests. Squirrels build their nests in the branches of trees, using twigs, leaves, and other materials to create a cozy shelter. These nests, also known as dreys, provide squirrels with a safe and secure place to rest and sleep.
Tree nests are particularly important for squirrels during the winter months, when temperatures can drop below freezing. By huddling together in their nests, squirrels can conserve body heat and stay warm and cozy throughout the night.
Ground Burrows
While most squirrels build their nests in trees, some species, such as the California ground squirrel, prefer to burrow underground. These squirrels dig extensive networks of tunnels and burrows, which provide them with a safe and secure place to rest and sleep.
Ground burrows are particularly important for squirrels in areas with harsh weather conditions, such as extreme heat or cold. By burrowing underground, squirrels can avoid the worst of the weather and stay comfortable throughout the night.
Attics and Crawlspaces
Unfortunately, not all squirrels choose to rest in natural habitats such as tree nests or ground burrows. In urban and suburban areas, squirrels often seek out man-made structures such as attics and crawlspaces to rest and sleep.
Squirrels can gain access to these structures through small openings in the roof or walls, or by chewing their way through weak spots in the structure. Once inside, they may build nests out of insulation, leaves, and other materials, which can cause damage to the building and pose a fire hazard.
If you suspect that squirrels are living in your attic or crawlspace, it’s important to take action to remove them as soon as possible. Squirrels can cause significant damage to buildings and pose a risk of electrical fires, and their droppings can also contain harmful bacteria and parasites.
Other Places Squirrels Go At Night
While tree nests, ground burrows, and man-made structures are the most common places where squirrels go at night, they may also seek out other hiding spots depending on the environment. For example, squirrels may rest in hollow logs, under piles of leaves or brush, or in the crevices of rocks or cliffs.
Regardless of where they rest at night, squirrels are generally active during the day, when they search for food, interact with other squirrels, and engage in other activities. During the winter months, when food sources may be scarce, squirrels may spend more time resting in order to conserve energy.
How to Encourage Squirrels to Rest in Natural Habitats
While squirrels may be tempted to rest in man-made structures such as attics and crawlspaces, it’s important to encourage them to rest in natural habitats whenever possible. This can help to protect your home from damage, and ensure that squirrels have access to safe and secure resting places.
One way to encourage squirrels to rest in natural habitats is to provide them with food and shelter in your yard. You can do this by planting trees and shrubs that provide food and shelter, such as oak trees, hickory trees, and berry bushes. You can also build nesting boxes or other structures that provide safe and secure places for squirrels to rest.
It’s also important to avoid using pesticides and other harmful chemicals in your yard, as these can have negative impacts on squirrel populations and other wildlife.
Squirrels have a variety of options when it comes to where they rest at night. While tree nests and ground burrows are the most common natural habitats, squirrels may also seek out man-made structures such as attics and crawlspaces. By encouraging squirrels to rest in natural habitats and taking action to remove them from man-made structures when necessary, we can help to protect both squirrels and our homes.